I gained much insight during a reading of my Akashic Records. Sheila provided this for me during her working visit to Roanoke VA. The missing pieces I had been searching for were revealed in detail. I am delighted to recommend her work to other seekers.
Jacqueline Martin
Consciousness and the Quantum Vacuum
Do you have questions about why you are here and where your soul has been? The Akashic Records are a collection of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane.
As an Akashic Records Reader, I offer you a way to access your Soul Records which helps to understand how past life events may affect current situations. When you allow the release of inhibiting energies, you become empowered to create positive changes. Processing information from the Records enables you to change self-limiting beliefs, to transform relationships with others, and to embrace peace as a way of life. The information is meant to be used as a guide and does not attempt to dictate actions.
Energy that is beneficial for this lifetime may be brought forward and/or enhanced. Information about present, past, and future life experiences come to light based on the discretion and appropriate release by the Masters of the Records.
As a spiritual medium, the ability to channel information provides assistance to clients as they access their records.
Sheila J Wood